AutoCAD Revit Architecture - Level 1

Hours: 64 / Access Length: 3 Months / Delivery: Open, Mentor Supported
Retail Price: $835.00

Course Overview:

The REVIT architectural modeling program comprises intelligent building components, views, and annotations. This introductory course will lead the user through the basic procedures of designing an integrated building model. New topics will include: Project creation, navigation and display concepts, designing with components, working with levels, creating and editing walls, adding doors and windows, creating floor and roof objects, working with view properties, object styles, loading and modifying family components, adding dimensions and annotations, adding and modifying drawing sheets, and plotting procedures.

Course Outline:

  • Introduction to BIM concepts and Revit Architecture concepts. Exploring the parts of the Revit interface and using basic Revit element creation procedures.
  • Introduction to Revit view controls. Setting view properties and using Visibility/Graphic overrides. Exploring 3D view navigation controls. Introduction to view creation.
  • Using dimensions and constraints. Methods for selecting and manipulating content.  Introduction to editing tools.
  • Exploring the concept of Categories, Families, Types and Instances. Accessing family libraries and loading families into a project. Introduction to sketching and sketched features.
  • Creating and working with levels. Creating 3D perspectives with Camera Views.  Introduction to sheet creation and drawing views.
  • Introduction to Sections and methods for creating building sections, wall sections, and detail sections. Using callout views.
  • Custom project templates. Customizing project settings and options. 
  • Introduction to Compound structure and creating custom wall types. Methods for working with vertically compound walls.
  • Creating and modifying footprint roofs.  Joining roofs and attaching walls to roofs.  Extruding roofs and creating dormer roofs.
  • Editing wall profiles. Joining and cutting geometry. Adding wall openings. Using hosted sweeps and sweep profiles with walls and roofs.
  • Creating and working with floors. Editing floor edges. Creating foundation walls and structural foundations.
  • Creating stairs by sketching runs. Creating stairs by sketching boundaries and risers.  Using stair calculation rules and modifying stair properties.
  • Creating railings. Customizing railing properties. Controlling posts and balusters.
  • Working with model lines and detail lines.  Using linework, split face, and paint tools.  Adding text notes.
  • Using the Create tool and working with simple in place families. Sketching with workplanes and reference planes.
  • Introduction to Site components and adding a simple topographical surface. Printing and publishing a revit project.


All necessary materials are included.


System Requirements:

System Requirements:

Internet Connectivity Requirements:
  • Cable and DSL internet connections are recommended for the best experience.
Hardware Requirements:
  • CPU: 1 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 2 GB or higher
  • Resolution: 1280 x 720 or higher
  • Speakers / Headphones
  • Microphone (Webinar / Live Online sessions)
Operating System Requirements:
  • Microsoft Windows 7 or 10 (Home, Pro)
  • Mac OSX 10 or higher.
  • Latest Chrome OS
  • Latest Linux Distributions

NOTE: While we understand that our courses can be viewed on Android and iPhone devices, we do not recommend the use of these devices for our courses. The size of these devices do not provide a good learning environment for students taking online or live online based courses.

Web Browser Requirements:
  • Latest Google Chrome is recommended for the best experience.
  • Latest Mozilla FireFox
  • Latest Microsoft Edge
  • Latest Apple Safari
Basic Software Requirements (These are recommendations of software to use):
  • Office suite software (Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, or LibreOffice)
  • PDF reader program (Adobe Reader, FoxIt)
  • Courses may require other software that is denoted in the above course outline.

** The course outlines displayed on this website are subject to change at any time without prior notice. **